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We see too much, we know too much

My mother surprised me today. She has been trolling the internet and snagged an interesting link to an article by John Pilger in Z Magazine entitled ‘We See Too Much, We Know Too Much. That’s Our Best Defense’ in which he basically asserts that our broad access to information has fundamentally changed the power dynamic, creating a problem for the hegemony in promoting propaganda. I hope he’s right. Anecdotally it seems to ring true but the consensus building mechanisms of polling and compliant mass media are extremely powerful within the US. How much ‘alternative’ information about Iraq is filtering down to the bulk of the population? Only time will tell.
I spent the day wandering around in a rainforest which is slated to be sold, probably to loggers. Freedom means being able to cut down a 300 year old western red cedar tree and make it into lumber for a deck.

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