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media that matters

I just spent an interesting day at the “MEDIA THAT MATTERS” conference, listening to John Stauber of PR WATCH where I learned some interesting stuff. There are over 700,000 PR firms in the US constituting a 30-40 billion dollar a year industry There are more PR people than journalists in the US and the gap is widening. Over 40 % of what is called news, actually originates from the PR industry.
Stauber explained the “corporate grassroots” movement that has been implemented by the US PR industry. This top down politicking by corporations, managed by the PR divisions, forces the corporation’s lower echelons to mobilize politically against anything deemed to be against the corporate interest. This is how the insurance corporations and pharmaceutical companies killed health care reform in the US. It has the seemingness of democracy because the people coming out against an issue are local, albeit well-briefed.
The formula for PR/Propaganda management that is now the corporate mantra is:
Stauber explained how PR firms deliberately concentrate on managing the outrage of a situation, (not the hazard) by sowing confusion into the media about issues. The perception management is of course tightly monitored by frequent polling.
His books – “Trust us We’re Experts” and “Toxic Sludge is good for you” are worth a read.
Stauber imagined some new models for empowering activists in their organizing campaigns. For example in the case of the environment, he said that “food and water” (or rather the purity thereof) are issues that are useful rallying points. Even the right, doesn’t want to be poisoned.
“Evil can only exist when good people do nothing”

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