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living fossils, science music

I’m thinking I might have to go down the blog road. I’ve been trying to correlate disparate elements in my fevered little mind, such as an exceptional treatise on relic Paleozoic, living fossil, forests in Western China (home of my favorite tree, “Dawn redwood”-metasequoia glyptostroboides (metasequoia ), which apparently used to grow in the Canadian arctic during the periglacial hotspell and learned to lose their needles in the long but warm arctic night, now living only in a remote valley in Hupeh province, (I’ve been planting them everywhere) with the rise of “Science” based music such as GRANDADDY and the FLAMING LIPS. I sense a deep nostalgia for the language of science as we understood it in “the space age” without the tyranny of the corporatism that has so taken it over. In a way, we may be living through science’s last gasp. We’re starting to no longer trust it. It again points to diminished faith in the ‘general model’ and the appreciation of the need for empiricism and criticality. Perhaps this is the high baroque of post modernism.
Anyway, this is what keeps me awake at night, in addition to, of course, the unsettling perception that we are about to consumate many of our planet’s collective Armageddon cosmologies in the Persian Gulf.

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